192 poze   3936 vizite

membru din 24 March 2020

Banished from hell- Godness

       Asᴋ ᴍᴇ
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Comentarii album • 6
wanderer 13 April 2020  
If you could pick anyone to play you in a movie, who would it be?
If your life was a movie, what kind of soundtrack would it have?
Which animated character do you feel you most connect with?
Which live-action character do you feel you most connect with?
If there was one place you could take a road trip to, where would it be and why?
What is a quality you value most in a relationship (or potential relationship) if you could only choose one?
Which quality do you value most in a fictional relationship?
Have you ever participated in a sport? (If so, name it or list them if you’ve participated in more than one).
What is the best advice a teacher, coach, or other mentor has ever given you?
If you could draw or paint an entire series of something, what would it be and why? (For example, a painter may elect to paint a series of works using the same three colors for each painting).
If you could be any mythological creature, what would you be?
Which character made a more substantial impact on your childhood than you realized back then?
Do you like to accessorize your outfits?
Do you like fairytales?
If you could sit down and talk with any fictional character, who would it be? What would you talk about?
Would you rather own a cabin by the woods, a country home, a condo by the beach, or an apartment in the city?
Is there a fictional character you used to relate to, but don’t anymore?
Do you enjoy spending time in or near gardens?
What would you consider to be the perfect romantic getaway?
What would you consider to be the perfect vacation destination with friends?
speechless 13 April 2020  
— Probably Bathsheba from „Far from the Madding Crowd”. I would love to play in an old movie.
— Something fun I think... No song comes to mind right now :(
— Scooby Doo. I was obsessed with him when I was a kid.
— No one.
— Jerusalem. I would love to see the culture, the cities show. It is very different from Romania and it attracts me.
— Intelligence, I think.
— The behavior of one towards the other, when they are willing to do anything for that person.
— No, I didn't.
— I remember my teacher telling me that if you want to learn, you will learn anywhere. And life has shown me this twice.
— I dont know...Nothing in my mind right now.
— Vampir probably.
— Alex Russo.
— No.
— Betty from Riverdale. How she can be so powerfull after all the bad things that happends to her. I just like her character.
— Apartament in the city.
— Alex Russo from Wizard of Waverly Place.
— Near.
— He driving, and I sitting on the right and relaxing, listening to music. A house on the outskirts of a bustling city, where we can spend the day in peace and visit the city in the evening. Kind of.
— Somewhere on the beach.
Thanks from asking me ♥
xTheOriginalsTO 3 April 2020  
De când ai cont pe sunphoto? :3
Ce îți place să faci în timpul liber? (in general. Acum cu carantina e prea mult timp liber oricum =))).)
speechless 3 April 2020  
— Am un cont din 2011, dar înainte de el am mai avut alte conturi pe care le-am șters.
— Sincer, timpul meu liber nu e așa de mare pentru că am cursuri / laboratoare / seminare în fiecare zi. Îmi place să citesc cărți, dar acum nu prea am timp :( . Sau mă uit la seriale.
wanderer 30 March 2020  
Cum rezisti cu carantina?
Top 3 seriale preferate?
Ultima carte citita?
speechless 30 March 2020  
— Cam prost :)) Nu sunt obișnuită să stau atât în casă și încep să am o stare aiurea.
— Riverdale, Elite, Toy Boy (încă nu l-am terminat, dar urmează).
— „Golful dragostei” de Lisa Kleypas.
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